Born in Aichi Prefecture, Japan
Graduates from Kinjo Gakuin Junior College
Exhibition History
An associate member of Le Salon(by the Society of French Artists)
Selected for entry into Le Salon 2012, 2017-2021 (France)
Selected for entry into Salon d'automne 2012-2023 (12 times in a row) (France)
Recommended for entry into 2e Exposition de la Nouvelle Ecole de Paris UKIYO-E 2013 (France)
Recommended for entry into Exposition l'Art Actuel France-Japon (Tokyo, Japan)
Selected for entry into Japanese Today's Visual Art Exhibition (America)
Invited to show at ARTeNiM 2007-2009 L'Art Comtemporain International dans le Sud (3 times in a row) (France)
Selected for entry into Arte Contemporaneo Japones y Sho (Spain)
Invited to show at the Sesshu International Art Society Exhibition (at The National Art Center, Tokyo)
Selected for entry into Exposition De L'Art Actuel France-Japon avec Participation Multinationale 2007 (at Tokyo International Forum)
Selected for entry into Exposition De L'art Contemporain Japonais (France)
Invited to show at Salon International de Paris (France)
Selected for entry into Concours des Artistes Japonais-Drawing, Dessin, Gravure, etc. (France)
Selected for entry into the Nikaten and Chubu Nikaten exhibitions
Selected for entry into the Hokuriku Chunichi Bijutsuten Exhibition
Selected for entry into the Aichiken Bunren Bijutsuten Exhibition
Work included in Gendai Nihon no Chuushou Vol.1 [Abstract Art in Modern Japan Vol.1], published by ART BOX international
Work included in Gendai Nihon no Gaka Vol.3 [Art in Modern Japan Vol.3], published by ART BOX international
Work included in ART BOX Vol.8 Gendai Bijutsu Artist File [Artist File in Contemporary ART]published by ART BOX international
Selected for entry into the Publication Memory Exhibition of Gendai Nihon no Chuushou Vol.1 [Abstract Art in Modern Japan Vol.1] (at ART BOX Gallery Ginza/Tokyo)
Selected for entry into the Publication Memory Exhibition of Gendai Nihon no Gaka Vol.3 [Art in Modern Japan Vol.3] (at ART BOX Gallery Ginza/Tokyo)
Registered under the Yoga (Western-style painting) section of Bijutsu Nenkan [Art annual]
A member of the JIAS Japan International Artists Society